Details: Volume and source voxelization#
Voxelization refers to converting Geant4 volumes, composed of analytical shapes such as boxes, spheres, and cylinders, into a 3D image represented as a matrix of voxels. Although particle tracking is generally slower in voxelized volumes (images), voxelization is valuable in several scenarios, such as computing the attenuation map of volumes for image reconstruction.
The example test015_iec_phantom_voxelize_5 illustrates the different steps with complete voxelization of the NEMA IEC 6 spheres phantom.
From volumes to voxels#
To voxelize a specified volume, including all its sub-volumes, use the function call voxelize_geometry. This function requires as input a simulation object that contains the volumes to be voxelized. The second parameter, extent, defines the sub-portion of the scene to be voxelized. By default, it is set to auto, in which case GATE automatically determines the sub-portion to include all volumes within the simulation. Alternatively, extent can be specified as either a tuple of two 3-vectors indicating the diagonally opposite corners of a box-shaped sub-portion of the geometry to be extracted, or as a volume or list of volumes. In the latter scenario, the box is automatically adjusted to encompass the specified volume(s). The third parameter is spacing, which defines the resolution of the output image in millimeters. Additionally, an optional parameter margin can be set to add extra padding (in pixels) around the extracted box-shaped sub-portion specified by extent.
This algorithm creates an empty image corresponding to the defined extent, iterates over all the voxels within this image, and checks which volume is located at the center of each voxel within the simulation scene. For each distinct volume encountered, a label (an integer) is assigned to the voxel. The correspondence between each label and its associated volume along with its material is recorded.
# voxelize
volume_labels, image = voxelize_geometry(sim, extent=my_phantom, spacing=(3*mm, 3*mm, 3*mm, margin=1)
# write all output
filenames = write_voxelized_geometry(sim, volume_labels, image, "voxelized_scene.mhd")
The output of voxelize_geometry is an image in ITK format and volume_labels, a dictionary structure that describes the correspondence between image voxel values (or labels), the volume name in the scene, and the corresponding material. The second helper function, named write_voxelized_geometry, will write all necessary files for subsequent reading and usage of the voxelized image as a volume in GATE (see the next section). There are four different written files:
volume_labels: A JSON file containing label, volume names, and material correspondence.
image: The voxelized image in MHD file format.
labels: A list of labels with material correspondence (3 values
material_database: A list of all materials used.
The filenames parameter will contain the automatically generated filenames for these four elements (alternatively, the user can set their own filenames).
From voxelization to ImageVolumes#
Once created, the image can be used in a simulation just like any other ImageVolume object. The previously written files are used to retrieve the correspondence between voxels and materials.
vox = sim.add_volume("ImageVolume", "my_vox")
vox.image = "voxelized_image.mhd"
Here, the three files “voxelized_materials.db”, “voxelized_image.mhd” and “voxelized_labels.json” are the ones stored in the previous section.
From activity source to voxelized source#
We also provide a convenient function for creating a voxelized source. This function requires the following inputs: - An image - A dictionary that describes the correspondence between labels and volumes (like in previous version) - A dictionary that maps volumes to activity values
The function generates an image in which each voxel is assigned an activity value.
activities = {
"volume1": 1,
"volume2": 2,
img = itk.imread("voxelized_image.mhd")
volume_labels = json.loads(open("voxelized_volumes_labels.json").read())
img_source = voxelized_source(img, volume_labels, activities)
itk.imwrite(img_source, "voxelized_source.mhd")
Complete example with the NEAM IEC volume + command line#
The example test015_iec_phantom_voxelize_5 demonstrates the complete voxelization process of the NEMA IEC 6-sphere phantom. Additionally, a specific command line facilitates generating various versions of the IEC phantom, as shown below:
voxelize_iec_phantom --spacing 1 -a 1 2 3 4 5 6.6 --bg 0.1 --cyl 0.5 --no_shell -o iec_1mm.mhd --output_source iec_1mm_activity.mha
This command will generate a voxelized version of the IEC phantom with a resolution of 1mm, saved in the iec_1mm.mhd file. Additionally, three other files related to volumes, labels, and material properties will be generated. In this example, a voxelized source of activity is also stored, with specified activities in the six spheres (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.6), background (0.1), and the central cylinder (0.5). The specified activities will then be normalized when used as a voxel source.