Details: Volumes#

This section describes the different volumes available in GATE 10 and their parameters.

Common parameters#

Some of the parameters are common to all volumes, while others are specific to a certain type of volume. Given a volume vol, use print(vol) to display the volume’s parameters and their default values.

Common parameters are:

  • mother: the name of the mother volume (world by default) in the hierarchy of volumes. Volumes are always positioned with respect to the reference frame of the mother volume and therefore moves with the mother volume.

  • material: the name of the material that composes the volume, e.g. G4_WATER. See section Materials

  • translation: list of 3 numerical values, e.g. [0, 2*cm, 3*mm]. It defines the translation of the volume with respect to the reference frame of the mother volume. Note: the origin of the reference frame is always at the center of the shape in Geant4.

  • rotation: a 3x3 rotation matrix. Rotation of the volume with respect to the mother volume. We advocate the use of scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation to manage the rotation matrix.

  • color: a list of 4 values (Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) between 0 and 1, e.g. [1, 0, 0, 0.5]. Only used when visualization is on.

Image volume#


An image volumes is essentially a box filled with a voxelized volumetric (3D) image. The box containing the image behaves pretty much like a opengate.geometry.volumes.BoxVolume and its size is automatically adjusted to match the size of the input image. The image should be provided in a format readable by the itk package and the path to the image file is set via the parameter image. In general, we advocate the use of the mhd/raw file format, but other itk-compatible file formats can be used as well. The image must be 3D, with any pixel type (float, int, char, etc.).

From the simulation point of view, a voxel is like a small box through which particles need to be transported. Therefore, in order for Gate/Geant4 to make use of the image, the image values need to be mapped to materials to be associated with the corresponding voxel. To this end, you need to provide a lookup table via the parameter voxel_materials, which is a list of 3-item-lists, each defining a value range (half-closed interval) and the material name to be used. Take the following example:

import opengate as gate
sim = gate.Simulation()
patient = sim.add_volume("Image", name="patient")
patient.image = "data/myimage.mhd"
patient.mother = "world"
patient.material = "G4_AIR"  # material used by default
patient.voxel_materials = [
  # range format [)
  [-2000, -900, "G4_AIR"],
  [-900, -100, "Lung"],
  [-100, 0, "G4_ADIPOSE_TISSUE_ICRP"],
  [0, 300, "G4_TISSUE_SOFT_ICRP"],
  [300, 800, "G4_B-100_BONE"],
  [800, 6000, "G4_BONE_COMPACT_ICRU"],
patient.dump_label_image = "labels.mhd"

In the example above, the material “Lung” will be assigned to every voxel with a value between -900 and -100 (not including -100). Voxels whose value does not fall into any of the intervals are considered to contain the volume’s default material, i.e. patient.material = "G4_AIR" in the example above. If a path is provided as dump_label_image parameter of the image volume, an image will be written to the provided path containing material labels. Label 0 stands for voxels to which the default material was assigned, and labels greater than 1 represent all other materials, in ascending order of the lower interval bounds provided in voxel_materials. In the example above, voxels with label 3 correspond to “G4_ADIPOSE_TISSUE_ICRP”, voxels with label 4 correspond to “G4_TISSUE_SOFT_ICRP”, and so forth. See test test009 as an example simulation using an Image volume.

The frame of reference of an Image is linked to the bounding box and treated like other Geant4 volumes, i.e. by default, the center of the image box is positioned at the origin of the mother volume’s frame of reference. Important: Currently, the origin provided by the input image (e.g. in the DICOM or mhd file) is ignored. If you want to place the Image volume according to the origin and rotation provided by the input image, you need to extract that information and set it via the translation and rotation parameters of the image volume. A future version of Gate 10 might provide an option to do this automatically. If you are motivated, you can implement that feature and contribute it to the opengate package.

There is a helper function HounsfieldUnit_to_material to create an interval-material list that can be used as input to the voxel_materials parameter, specifically for CT images expressed in Hounsfield Units:

import opengate as gate
sim = gate.Simulation()
gcm3 = gate.g4_units.g_cm3
f1 = "PATH_TO_OPENGATE/tests/data/Schneider2000MaterialsTable.txt"
f2 = "PATH_TO_OPENGATE/tests/data/Schneider2000DensitiesTable.txt"
tol = 0.05 * gcm3
voxel_materials, materials = gate.geometry.materials.HounsfieldUnit_to_material(sim, tol, f1, f2)

The function HounsfieldUnit_to_material returns two objects: 1) A list of intervals and material names which can be used as parameter voxel_materials 2) A list of materials for other use

The input parameters of the function HounsfieldUnit_to_material are 1) An existing simulation (here sim) 2) The density tolerance (in g/cm3) 3) The path to a file containing a list of reference materials 4) The path to a file containing a list of reference densities

Examples of such files can be found in the opengate/tests/data folder. See test test009 as example.


class ImageVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Store information about a voxelized volume

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dump_label_image:

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Path at which the image containing material labels should be saved. Set to None to dump no image.

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • image:

    • Default value:

    • Description: Path to the image file

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

  • voxel_materials:

    • Default value: [[-inf, inf, ‘G4_AIR’]]

    • Description: FIXME

CSG Volumes#


CSG volumes have a shape that can be analytically described and parametrised, such as a sphere, a cone, a box. GATE provides the CSG volumes implemented in Geant4. They can be repeated.


class BoxVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a box shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • size:

    • Default value: [100.0, 100.0, 100.0]

    • Description: 3 component list of side lengths of the box.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class HexagonVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a hexagon shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • height:

    • Default value: 50.0

    • Description: Height of the hexagon volume.

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • radius:

    • Default value: 1.5

    • Description: Radius from the center to corners.

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class ConsVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with the shape of a cone or conical section.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dphi:

    • Default value: 0.7853981633974483

    • Description: The angle of the segment in radians.

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • dz:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: Half length in Z.

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rmax1:

    • Default value: 10.0

    • Description: Outer radius at the lower end.

  • rmax2:

    • Default value: 25.0

    • Description: Outer radius at the upper end.

  • rmin1:

    • Default value: 5.0

    • Description: Inner radius at the lower end.

  • rmin2:

    • Default value: 20.0

    • Description: Inner radius at the upper end.

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • sphi:

    • Default value: 0.0

    • Description: Starting angle of the segment in radians.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class PolyhedraVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a polyhedral shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • num_side:

    • Default value: 6

    • Description: Number of sides.

  • num_zplanes:

    • Default value: 2

    • Description: Number Z planes.

  • phi_start:

    • Default value: 0.0

    • Description: Initial Phi starting angle

  • phi_total:

    • Default value: 6.283185307179586

    • Description: Total Phi angle

  • radius_inner:

    • Default value: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    • Description: Tangent distance to inner surface. Should be a list with one distance per side.

  • radius_outer:

    • Default value: [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5]

    • Description: Tangent distance to outer surface. Should be a list with one distance per side.

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

  • zplane:

    • Default value: [-25.0, 25.0]

    • Description: Position of Z planes. Should be a list with one position per plane.

class SphereVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a sphere or spherical shell shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dphi:

    • Default value: 6.283185307179586

    • Description: Angular size of the sphere section around the rotation axis.

  • dtheta:

    • Default value: 3.141592653589793

    • Description:

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rmax:

    • Default value: 1.0

    • Description: Outer radius of the sphere.

  • rmin:

    • Default value: 0

    • Description: Inner radius (0 means solid sphere).

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • sphi:

    • Default value: 0

    • Description:

  • stheta:

    • Default value: 0

    • Description:

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class TrapVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a generic trapezoidal shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • alp1:

    • Default value: 0.17453292519943295

    • Description: Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (lower endcap)

  • alp2:

    • Default value: 0.17453292519943295

    • Description: Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (upper endcap)

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dx1:

    • Default value: 30.0

    • Description: Half x length of the side at y=-pdy1 of the face at -pdz

  • dx2:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: Half x length of the side at y=+pdy1 of the face at -pdz

  • dx3:

    • Default value: 10.0

    • Description: Half x length of the side at y=-pdy2 of the face at +pdz

  • dx4:

    • Default value: 14.0

    • Description: Half x length of the side at y=+pdy2 of the face at +pdz

  • dy1:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: Half y length at -pdz

  • dy2:

    • Default value: 16.0

    • Description: Half y length at +pdz

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • dz:

    • Default value: 60.0

    • Description: Half z length

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • phi:

    • Default value: 0.08726646259971647

    • Description: Azimuthal angle of the line joining the centre of the face at -pdz to the centre of the face at +pdz

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • theta:

    • Default value: 0.3490658503988659

    • Description: Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+pdz

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class TrdVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a symmetric trapezoidal shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dx1:

    • Default value: 30.0

    • Description: Half-length along X at the surface positioned at -dz

  • dx2:

    • Default value: 10.0

    • Description: dx2 Half-length along X at the surface positioned at +dz

  • dy1:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: dy1 Half-length along Y at the surface positioned at -dz

  • dy2:

    • Default value: 15.0

    • Description: dy2 Half-length along Y at the surface positioned at +dz

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • dz:

    • Default value: 15.0

    • Description: Half-length along Z axis

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

class TubsVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume with a tube or cylindrical section shape.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dphi:

    • Default value: 6.283185307179586

    • Description: Angle segment

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • dz:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: Half length along Z

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rmax:

    • Default value: 40.0

    • Description: Outer radius

  • rmin:

    • Default value: 30.0

    • Description: Inner radius

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • sphi:

    • Default value: 0.0

    • Description: Start angle phi

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

Tesselated (STL) volumes#


It is possible to create a tesselated volume shape based on an Standard Triangle Language (STL) data file. Such a file contains a mesh of triangles for one object. It is a typical output format of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. To create such a volume add a volume of type “Tesselated”. Please keep in mind, that no material information is provided, it has to be specified by the user. A Tesselated volume inherits the the same basic options as other solids described above such as translation or rotation. A basic example how to import an STL file into a geometry “MyTesselatedVolume” and assign the material G4_WATER to it can be found below. In order to verify the correct generation of the solid, one could look at the volume.

import opengate as gate
sim = gate.Simulation()
tes = sim.add_volume("Tesselated", name="MyTesselatedVolume")
tes.material = "G4_WATER"
tes.mother = "world"  # by default
tes.file_name = "myTesselatedVolume.stl"
#to read the volume of the generated solid
print("volume: ",sim.volume_manager.get_volume(
#an alternative way read the volume of the generated solid
print("same volume: ",tes.solid_info.cubic_volume)

See test test067_stl_volume for example.


class TesselatedVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume based on a mesh volume by reading an STL file.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • file_name:

    • Default value:

    • Description: Path and file name of the STL file.

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

Repeated volumes#


The first method, described in this section, is controlled via the translation and rotation parameters. To instruct Geant4 to repeat a volume in multiple locations, it is sufficient to provide a list of translation vectors to the volume parameter translation. Gate will make sure that a G4PhysicalVolume is created for each entry. Consequently, the length of the list of translations determines the number of copies. If only a single rotation matrix is provided as volume parameter rotation, this will be used for all copies. If each copies requires a separate individual rotation, e.g. when repeating volume around a circle, then the volume parameter rotation should receive a list of rotation matrices. Obviously, the number of rotations and translation should match.

Each volume copy corresponds to a G4PhysicalVolume in Geant4 with its own unique name. Gate automatically generates this name. It can be obtained from a given copy index (counting starts at 0) via the method


. Or vice versa, the copy index can be obtained from the copy name via


Gate comes with utility functions to generate translation and rotation parameters for common types of volume repetitions - see below.

import opengate as gate
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

cm =
crystal = sim.add_volume("Box", "crystal")
crystal.size = [1 * cm, 1 * cm, 1 * cm]
crystal.material = "LYSO"
m = Rotation.identity().as_matrix()
crystal.translation = [[1 * cm, 0 * cm, 0],
                       [0.2 * cm, 2 * cm, 0],
                       [-0.2 * cm, 4 * cm, 0]]
print(f"The crystal is repeated in {crystal.number_of_repetitions} locations. ")
print(f"Specified by the following translation vectors: ")
for i, t in enumrate(crystal.translation):
    print(f"Repetition {crystal.get_repetition_name_from_index(i)}: {t}. ")

In this example, the volume named crystal, with the shape of a box, a size of 1x1x1 cm3, and made of LYSO, is repeated in 3 positions. In this example, only the translation is modified, the rotation is set to the same default identity matrix.

There are utility functions that help you to generate lists of translations and rotations. For example:

import opengate as gate
mm =
crystal = sim.add_volume("Box", "crystal")
translations_grid = gate.geometry.utility.get_grid_repetition(size=[1, 4, 5], spacing=[0, 32.85 * mm, 32.85 * mm])
crystal.translation = translations_grid
# or
detector = sim.add_volume("Box", "detector")
translations_circle, rotations_circle = gate.geometry.utility.get_circular_repetition(number_of_repetitions=18, first_translation=[391.5 * mm, 0, 0], axis=[0, 0, 1])
detector.translation = translations_circle
detector.rotation = rotations_circle

To get help about the utility functions, do:

import opengate as gate

You can also have a look at the and examples in the opengate/contrib/pet/ folder.

You are obviously free to generate your own list of translations and rotations to suit your needs and they do not need to be regularly spaced and/or follow any spatial pattern such as a grid or ring. Just remember that Geant4 does not allow volumes to overlap and make sure that repetitions to not geometrically interfere (overlap) with each other.

Volume repetitions controlled via the translation and rotation parameter are a convenient and generic way to construct a “not too large” number of repeated objects. In case of “many” repetitions, the Geant4 tracking engine can become slow. In that case, it is better to use parameterised volumes described in the next section. It is not easy to quantify “not too many” repetitions. Based on our experience, a few hundred is still acceptable, but you might want to check in your case. Note that, if the volume contains sub-volumes (via their mother parameter, everything will be repeated, albeit in an optimized and efficient way.


get_repetition_name_from_index(self, index)[source]#
get_repetition_index_from_name(self, name)[source]#

Repeat Parametrised Volumes#

In some situations, the repeater concept explained in the previous section is not sufficient and can be inefficient when the number of repetitions is large. A specific example is a collimator for SPECT imaging containing a large number of holes. opengate.geometry.volumes.RepeatParametrisedVolume is an alternative repeated volume type which suits this use case. See this example:

import opengate as gate
mm =
crystal = sim.add_volume("Box", "crystal")
param_vol = sim.add_volume("RepeatParametrised", f"my_param")
param_vol.repeated_volume_name = "crystal"
param_vol.translation = None
param_vol.rotation = None
size = [183, 235, 1]
tr = [2.94449 * mm, 1.7 * mm, 0]
param_vol.linear_repeat = size
param_vol.translation = tr
param_vol.start = [-(x - 1) * y / 2.0 for x, y in zip(size, tr)]
param_vol.offset_nb = 1
param_vol.offset = [0, 0, 0]

Note that the RepeatParametrisedVolume is still partly work in progress. The user guide on this will soon be updated and extended.

param = sim.add_volume("RepeatParametrised", f"my_param")
param.repeated_volume_name = "crystal"
param.translation = None
param.rotation = None
size = [183, 235, 1]
tr = [2.94449 * mm, 1.7 * mm, 0]
param.linear_repeat = size
param.translation = tr
param.start = [-(x - 1) * y / 2.0 for x, y in zip(size, tr)]
param.offset_nb = 1
param.offset = [0, 0, 0]


class RepeatParametrisedVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume created from another volume via translations.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • linear_repeat:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1]

    • Description: FIXME

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • offset:

    • Default value: [0, 0, 0]

    • Description: 3 component vector or list.

  • offset_nb:

    • Default value: 1

    • Description: FIXME

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • start:

    • Default value: auto

    • Description: FIXME

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

Boolean volumes#


Geant4 provides a mechanism to combine volumetric shapes (Solids in Geant4) into new ones via boolean operations, i.e. union, intersection, and subtraction. In GATE, the details of this mechanism are taken care of under the hood and the user can directly combine compatible volumes. For example:

import opengate as gate
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

sim = gate.Simulation()
cm =
b = gate.geometry.volumes.BoxVolume(name="box")
b.size = [10 * cm, 10 * cm, 10 * cm]
s = gate.geometry.volumes.SphereVolume(name="sph")
s.rmax = 5 * cm
t = gate.geometry.volumes.TubsVolume(name="t")
t.rmin = 0
t.rmax = 2 * cm = 15 * cm

combined_b_s = gate.geometry.volumes.unite_volumes(b, s, translation=[0, 1 * cm, 5 * cm])
final_vol = gate.geometry.volumes.subtract(combined_b_s, t, rotation=Rotation.from_euler("x", 3, degrees=True).as_matrix())

final_vol.translation = [5 * cm, 5 * cm, 5 * cm]
final_vol.mother = "world"
final_vol.material = "G4_WATER"

The keyword arguments translation and rotation specify how the second shape is translated and rotated, respectively, with respect to the first shape prior to the boolean operation. The absolute placement in space in the simulation is irrelevant for this. On the other hand, the line final_vol.translation = [5 * cm, 5 * cm, 5 * cm] simply refers to the common parameter which specifies the placement of the final volume in space with respect to its mother, in this case the world volume.

Only the finally resulting volume final_vol is actually added to the simulation while the others are only created as intermediate steps of the contruction.

Note that not all volumes are compatible with boolean operations. For example, image volumes cannot be combined. You will receive an error message when trying to apply booelan operations to incompatible volumes.

Boolean operations are a great tool to build complex shapes. The phantoms in opengate.contrib.phantoms are good examples. Also have a look at test016. Be aware, however, that the Geant4 user guide warns that very extensive use of boolean operations can slow down particle tracking speed.


class BooleanVolume(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Volume resulting from a boolean operation of the solids contained in two volumes.

User input parameters and default values:

  • build_physical_volume:

    • Default value: True

    • Description: Boolean flag (True/False) whether G4 should build a physical volume.

  • color:

    • Default value: [1, 1, 1, 1]

    • Description: 4 component vector defining the volume’s color in visual rendering. The first 3 entries are RBG, the 4th is visible/invisible (1 or 0).

  • creator_volumes (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: [None, None]

    • Description: A tuple of the two volumes which were combined by boolean operation to create this volume. This user info is set internally when applying a boolean operation and cannot be set by the user.

  • dynamic_params (set internally, i.e. read-only):

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies how the parameters of this object should evolve over time during the simulation. You cannot set this parameter directly. Instead, use the ‘add_dynamic_parametrisation()’ method of your object.If None, the object is static (default).

  • material:

    • Default value: G4_AIR

    • Description: Name of the material

  • mother:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the mother volume.

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • operation:

    • Default value: none

    • Description: FIXME

  • rotation:

    • Default value: [array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]])]

    • Description: 3x3 rotation matrix or list of such matrices. The matrix (matrices) should be np.array or np.matrix.If a list of matrices is provided, the volume will be repeated, once for each rotation vector.

  • rotation_boolean_operation:

    • Default value: [[1. 0. 0.], [0. 1. 0.], [0. 0. 1.]]

    • Description: FIXME

  • translation:

    • Default value: [[0, 0, 0]]

    • Description: 3-component vector or list of such vectors defining the translation w.r.t. the mother. If translation is a list of vectors, the volume will be repeeted once for each translation vector.

  • translation_boolean_operation:

    • Default value: [0, 0, 0]

    • Description: FIXME

unite_volumes(volume_1, volume_2, translation=None, rotation=None, new_name=None)[source]#

Creates a boolean representing the union of two volumes.

subtract_volumes(volume_1, volume_2, translation=None, rotation=None, new_name=None)[source]#

Creates a boolean representing the first volume minus the overlapping portion of the second volume.

intersect_volumes(volume_1, volume_2, translation=None, rotation=None, new_name=None)[source]#

Creates a boolean representing the intersection of two volumes.