How to: Installation#

Install GATE with:

pip install opengate

Then, you can create a simulation using the opengate module (see below). For developers, please check the developer guide for the developer installation.


We highly recommend creating a specific Python environment to 1) ensure all dependencies are handled properly, and 2) avoid mixing with your other Python modules. For example, you can use venv. Once the environment is created, activate it:

python -m venv opengate_env
source opengate_env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install opengate

or with a conda environment:

conda create --name opengate_env python=3.12
conda activate opengate_env
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install opengate

If you already have opengate installed, upgrade it with:

pip install --upgrade opengate

Once installed, we recommend checking the installation by printing GATE information and running the tests:


The first time a simulation is executed, Geant4 data must be downloaded and installed. This step is automated but may take some time depending on your bandwidth. Note that this is only done once. Running opengate_info will display details and the path of the data.

For some systems (clusters or older computers), the main opengate_core cannot be used due to the lack of libGL or other visualization libraries. For Linux systems, we offer a version without visualization and using older libraries. You can install it with:

pip install --force-reinstall "opengate[novis]"

Note that the option –force-reinstall is only needed if you already installed the conventional opengate before.

Additional help : “Installing Gate 10 in Ubuntu 22 in WSL2 in Windows 11 AMD64”