From GATE 9 to 10 - Example Optical Physics#
This section walks you through Gate 9 and Gate 10 versions of a simulation file used to create optical transport dataset for training OptiGAN.
Gate 9#
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 10. cm
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 10. cm
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 15. cm
/gate/world/setMaterial Air
Gate 10# = [10 * cm, 10 * cm, 15 * cm]
The material of the world volume is set to ‘Air’ by default.
Gate 9#
/gate/world/daughters/name OpticalSystem
/gate/world/daughters/insert box
/gate/OpticalSystem/geometry/setXLength 10. cm
/gate/OpticalSystem/geometry/setYLength 10. cm
/gate/OpticalSystem/geometry/setZLength 14.0 cm
/gate/OpticalSystem/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0.0 cm
/gate/OpticalSystem/setMaterial Air
Gate 10#
optical_system = sim.add_volume("Box", "optical_system")
optical_system.size = [10 * cm, 10 * cm, 14 * cm]
optical_system.material = "G4_AIR"
optical_system.translation = [0 * cm, 0 * cm, 0 * cm]
Gate 9#
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/name crystal
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/insert box
/gate/crystal/geometry/setXLength 3.0 mm
/gate/crystal/geometry/setYLength 3.0 mm
/gate/crystal/geometry/setZLength 3.0 mm
/gate/crystal/placement/setTranslation 0 0 10 mm
/gate/crystal/setMaterial BGO
Gate 10#
crystal = sim.add_volume("Box", "crystal")
crystal.mother =
crystal.size = [3 * mm, 3 * mm, 20 * mm]
crystal.translation = [0 * mm, 0 * mm, 10 * mm]
crystal.material = "BGO"
Gate 9#
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/name grease
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/insert box
/gate/grease/geometry/setXLength 3.0 mm
/gate/grease/geometry/setYLength 3.0 mm
/gate/grease/geometry/setZLength 0.015 mm
/gate/grease/setMaterial Epoxy
/gate/grease/placement/setTranslation 0 0 20.0075 mm
Gate 10#
grease = sim.add_volume("Box", "grease")
grease.mother =
grease.size = [3 * mm, 3 * mm, 0.015 * mm]
grease.material = "Epoxy"
grease.translation = [0 * mm, 0 * mm, 20.0075 * mm]
Gate 9#
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/name pixel
/gate/OpticalSystem/daughters/insert box
/gate/pixel/geometry/setXLength 3 mm
/gate/pixel/geometry/setYLength 3 mm
/gate/pixel/geometry/setZLength 0.1 mm
/gate/pixel/setMaterial SiO2
/gate/pixel/placement/setTranslation 0 0 20.065 mm
Gate 10#
pixel = sim.add_volume("Box", "pixel")
pixel.mother =
pixel.size = [3 * mm, 3 * mm, 0.1 * mm]
pixel.material = "SiO2"
pixel.translation = [0 * mm, 0 * mm, 20.065 * mm]
Gate 9#
/gate/physics/addPhysicsList emstandard_opt4
/gate/physics/addPhysicsList optical
/gate/physics/addProcess Scintillation
/gate/physics/addProcess Cerenkov e+
/gate/physics/addProcess Cerenkov e-
/gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion world 10 mm
/gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion world 10 um
/gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion crystal 10 um
/gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion crystal 10 um
/gate/physics/processList Enabled
/gate/physics/processList Initialized
Gate 10#
sim.physics_manager.physics_list_name = "G4EmStandardPhysics_option4"
# This also includes Scintillation and Cerenkov processes.
sim.physics_manager.special_physics_constructors.G4OpticalPhysics = True
sim.physics_manager.set_production_cut("world", "electron", 10 * mm)
sim.physics_manager.set_production_cut("world", "positron", 10 * um)
sim.physics_manager.set_production_cut("crystal", "electron", 10 * um)
sim.physics_manager.set_production_cut("crystal", "positron", 10 * um)
# In Gate 10, enery range limits should be set like this for scintillation.
# Reason for this is unknown.
sim.physics_manager.energy_range_min = 10 * eV
sim.physics_manager.energy_range_max = 1 * MeV
Optical Surfaces#
Gate 9#
/gate/crystal/surfaces/name surface1
/gate/crystal/surfaces/insert OpticalSystem
/gate/crystal/surfaces/surface1/setSurface Customized3_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surf_optical_system_to_crystal = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface(
Gate 9#
/gate/OpticalSystem/surfaces/name surface2
/gate/OpticalSystem/surfaces/insert crystal
/gate/OpticalSystem/surfaces/surface2/setSurface Customized3_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surf_crystal_to_optical_system = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface(
"crystal", "optical_system", "Customized3_LUT"
Gate 9#
/gate/crystal/surfaces/name surface5
/gate/crystal/surfaces/insert grease
/gate/crystal/surfaces/surface5/setSurface Customized2_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surf_grease_to_crystal = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface("grease", "crystal", "Customized2_LUT")
Gate 9#
/gate/grease/surfaces/name surface6
/gate/grease/surfaces/insert crystal
/gate/grease/surfaces/surface6/setSurface Customized2_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surf_crystal_to_grease = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface("crystal", "grease", "Customized2_LUT")
Gate 9#
/gate/grease/surfaces/name Detection1
/gate/grease/surfaces/insert pixel
/gate/grease/surfaces/Detection1/setSurface Customized4_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surface_pixel_to_grease = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface("pixel", "grease", "Customized4_LUT")
Gate 9#
/gate/pixel/surfaces/name Detection2
/gate/pixel/surfaces/insert grease
/gate/pixel/surfaces/Detection2/setSurface Customized4_LUT
Gate 10#
opt_surf_grease_to_pixel = sim.physics_manager.add_optical_surface("grease", "pixel", "Customized4_LUT")
Electron Source#
Gate 9#
/gate/source/addSource Mysource
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/particle e-
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/type Volume
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/shape Sphere
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/radius 0. mm
/gate/source/Mysource/setActivity 1000 becquerel
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/monoenergy 420 keV
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/centre 0 0 19 mm
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/ang/type iso
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/ang/mintheta 163. deg
/gate/source/Mysource/gps/ang/maxtheta 165. deg
Gate 10#
source = sim.add_source("GenericSource", "my_source")
source.particle = "e-" = "mono" = 420 * keV
source.position.type = "sphere"
source.position.radius = 0 * mm
source.activity = 1000 * Bq
source.direction.type = "iso"
source.direction.theta = [163 * deg, 165 * deg]
source.direction.phi = [100 * deg, 110 * deg]
source.position.translation = [0 * mm, 0 * mm, 19 * mm]
Gate 9#
/gate/actor/addActor PhaseSpaceActor MyActor
/gate/actor/MyActor/attachTo pixel
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableTime true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableLocalTime true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableTimeFromBeginOfEvent true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableTProd true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableTOut true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableTrackLength true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableEmissionPoint true
/gate/actor/MyActor/enableElectronicDEDX true
/gate/actor/MyActor/save ./output/{NameOutputSimu}/MyActorPixel_In.root
Gate 10#
phase = sim.add_actor("PhaseSpaceActor", "Phase")
phase.attached_to =
phase.output_filename = "test075_optigan_create_dataset_first_phase_space_with_track_volume.root"
phase.attributes = [