Generic source#


The most commonly used type of source is called ‘’GenericSource’’. It can be used to describe a large range of simple source types. With ‘GenericSource’, user must describe 1) particle type, 2) position, 3) direction and 4) energy, see the following example:

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation  # used to describe a rotation matrix

MeV = gate.g4_units('MeV')
Bq = gate.g4_units('Bq')
source = sim.add_source('GenericSource', 'mysource')
source.attached_to = 'my_volume'
source.particle = 'proton'
source.activity = 10000 * Bq
source.position.type = 'box'
source.position.dimension = [4 * cm, 4 * cm, 4 * cm]
source.position.translation = [-3 * cm, -3 * cm, -3 * cm]
source.position.rotation = Rotation.from_euler('x', 45, degrees=True).as_matrix()
source.direction.type = 'iso' = 'gauss' = 80 * MeV = 1 * MeV

All parameters are stored into a dict-like structure (a Box). Particle can be ‘gamma’, ‘e+’, ‘e-’, ‘proton’ (all Geant4 names). The number of particles that will be generated by the source can be described by an activity source.activity = 10 * MBq or by a number of particle source.n = 100.

The positions from where the particles will be generated are defined by a shape (‘box’, ‘sphere’, ‘point’, ‘disc’), defined by several parameters (‘size’, ‘radius’) and orientation (‘rotation’, ‘center’). The direction are defined with ‘iso’, ‘momentum’, ‘focused’ and ‘histogram’. The energy can be defined by a single value (‘mono’) or Gaussian (‘gauss’).

Particle type#

The particle type can be set to any valid Geant4 name (e.g. "gamma", "e+", "e-"”, "proton"):

source.particle = "gamma"

It is also possible to use ions with the key word “ion” followed by Z and A. Source of ion can be set with the following (see test013):

source1 = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'ion1')
source1.particle = 'ion 9 18'  # Fluorine18
source2 = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'ion2')
source2.particle = 'ion 53 124'  # Iodine 124

Source of ion can be set with the following (see test013)

source1 = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'ion1')
source1.particle = 'ion 9 18'  # Fluorine18
source2 = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'ion2')
source2.particle = 'ion 53 124'  # Iodine 124

Note that the ion will only be simulated if the decay is enabled.

sim.physics_manager.enable_decay = True

GATE also provide a back_to_back particle, which is an alias for colinear gamma pairs of 511 keV.

source.particle = "back_to_back"

Particle initial position#

The positions from were the particles will be generated are defined by a shape (e.g. “point”, “box”, “sphere”, “disc”), defined by several parameters (“size”, “radius”) and orientation (“rotation”, “center”). A translation relative to the attached_to volume can also be set.

Here are some examples (mostly from

source.position.type = "point"
source.position.translation = [0 * cm, 0 * cm, -30 * cm]
source.position.type = "sphere"
source.position.radius = 5 * mm
source.position.translation = [-3 * cm, 30 * cm, -3 * cm]
source.position.type = "disc"
source.position.radius = 5 * mm
source.position.translation = [6 * cm, 5 * cm, -30 * cm]
source.position.type = "box"
source.position.size = [4 * cm, 4 * cm, 4 * cm]
source.position.translation = [8 * cm, 8 * cm, 30 * cm]

Particle initial direction#

  • direction.type = 'iso' assigns directions to primary particles based on 𝜃 and 𝜙 angles in a spherical coordinate system. By default, 𝜃 varies from 0° to 180° and 𝜙 varies from 0° to 360° (such that any direction is possible). You can define the 𝜃 and 𝜙 ranges with minimum and maximum values as follows:

    source.direction.type = "iso"
    source.direction.theta = [0, 10 * deg]
    source.direction.phi = [0, 90 * deg]

Geant4 defines the direction as: - x = -sin𝜃 cos𝜙; - y = -sin𝜃 sin𝜙; - z = -cos𝜃.

So 𝜃 is the angle in XOZ plane, from -Z to -X; and 𝜙 is the angle in XOY plane from -X to -Y.

  • direction.type = 'momentum' specifies a fixed direction for the primary particles using a momentum vector [x, y, z].

    source.direction.type = "momentum"
    source.direction.momentum = [0,0,1]
  • direction.type = 'focused' configures the primary particles to be emitted such that they converge towards a specified focus point. The focus point is set using a coordinate array [x, y, z] that defines its position.

    source.position.type = "disc"
    source.position.radius = 2 * cm
    source.direction.type = "focused"
    source.direction.focus_point = [1 * cm, 2 * cm, 3 * cm]
  • direction.type = 'histogram', same as 'iso', but allows you to emit primary particles with directional distributions weighted by custom-defined histograms for 𝜃 (theta) and 𝜙 (phi) angles.

    source.direction.type = "histogram"
    source.direction.histogram_theta_weights = [1]
    source.direction.histogram_theta_angles = [80 * deg, 100 * deg]
    source.direction.histogram_phi_weights = [0.3, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.3]
    source.direction.histogram_phi_angles = [60 * deg, 70 * deg, 80 * deg, 100 * deg, 110 * deg, 120 * deg]

See figure below, left:

# Example A
source.direction.type = "histogram"
source.direction.histogram_phi_angles = [70 * deg, 110 * deg]
source.direction.histogram_phi_weights = [1]

See figure below, right:

# Example B
source.direction.type = "histogram"
source.direction.histogram_phi_angles = [70 * deg, 80 * deg, 90 * deg, 100 * deg, 110 * deg]
source.direction.histogram_phi_weights = [1, 0, 1, 0]
../_images/generic_source_direction_histogram_a.png ../_images/generic_source_direction_histogram_b.png

Using source.direction_relative_to_attached_volume = True will make your source direction change following the rotation of that volume.

Acceptance Angle#

It is possible to indicate an angle_acceptance_volume to the direction of a source. In that case, the particle will be created only if their position & direction make them intersect the given volume. This is for example useful for SPECT imaging in order to limit the particle creation to the ones that will have a chance to reach the detector. Note that the particles that will not intersect the volume will be created anyway but with a zero energy (so not tracked). This mechanism ensures to remain consistent with the required activity and timestamps of the particles, there is no need to scale with the solid angle. See for example test028 test files for more details.

Geant4 defines the direction as: - x = -sin𝜃 cos𝜙; - y = -sin𝜃 sin𝜙; - z = -cos𝜃.

So 𝜃 is the angle in XOZ plane, from -Z to -X; and 𝜙 is the angle in XOY plane from -X to -Y.



You can instruct GATE to decrease the activity according to an exponential decay by setting the parameter half_life. Exmaple:

source = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'mysource')
source.half_life = 60 * gate.g4_units.s
property GenericSource.half_life[source]#


  • Default value: -1

  • Description: Half-life decay (-1 if no decay). Only when used with ‘activity’

Time Activity Curves (TAC)#

Alternatively, user can provide a TAC (Time Activity Curve) by means of two vectors (times and activities):

starting_activity = 1000 * Bq
half_life = 2 * sec
times = np.linspace(0, 10, num=500, endpoint=True) * sec
decay = np.log(2) / half_life
activities = [starting_activity * np.exp(-decay * t) for t in times]
source.tac_times = times
source.tac_activities = activities

During the simulation, the activity of this source will be updated according to the current simulation time with a linear interpolation of this TAC. If the simulation time is before the first time or above the last one in the times vector, the activity is considered as zero. The number of elements in the times linspace (here 500) defined the accuracy of the TAC. See example test052.

property GenericSource.tac_times[source]#


  • Default value: None

  • Description: TAC: Time Activity Curve, this set the vector for the times. Must be used with tac_activities.

property GenericSource.tac_activities[source]#


  • Default value: None

  • Description: TAC: Time Activity Curve, this set the vector for the activities. Must be used with tac_times.



energy.type = "mono" corresponds to a single energy value to be used for every particle. = "mono" = 1 * MeV


energy.type = "range" corresponds to a range of energy values between min_energy and max_energy with a uniform random distribution. = "range" = 3 * keV = 57 * keV


energy.type = "gauss" allows to produce particles according to a normal distribution with:

  • μ =

  • σ = = "gauss" = 140 * MeV = 10 * MeV


Discrete for gamma spectrum

One can configure a generic source to produce particles with energies depending on weights. To do so, one must provide two lists of the same size: one for energies, one for weights. Each energy is associated to the corresponding weight. Probabilities are derived from weights simply by normalizing the weights list.

Several spectra are provided through the get_rad_gamma_spectrum function:

spectrum = gate.sources.base.get_rad_gamma_spectrum("Lu177")

The source can be configured like this:

source = sim.add_source("GenericSource", "source")
source.particle = "gamma" = "spectrum_discrete" = spectrum.energies = spectrum.weights

For example, using this: = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8] = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2]

The produced particles will follow this pattern:


Histogram for beta spectrum

One can configure a generic source to produce particles with energies according to a given histogram. Histograms are defined in the same way as numpy, using bin edges and histogram values.

Several spectra are provided through the get_rad_beta_spectrum function. This data comes from [doseinfo-radar] ([direct link to the excel file]).

spectrum = gate.sources.base.get_rad_beta_spectrum("Lu177")

The source can be configured like this:

source = sim.add_source("GenericSource", "source")
source.particle = "e-" = "spectrum_histogram" = spectrum.energy_bin_edges = spectrum.weights

For example, using this (which is what you get from get_rad_beta_spectrum(“Lu177”)): = [
 0.0, 0.0249, 0.0497, 0.0746, 0.0994, 0.1243, 0.1491,
 0.174, 0.1988, 0.2237, 0.2485, 0.2734, 0.2983, 0.3231,
 0.348, 0.3728, 0.3977, 0.4225, 0.4474, 0.4722, 0.497,
] = [
 0.135, 0.122, 0.109, 0.0968, 0.0851, 0.0745, 0.0657,
 0.0588, 0.0522, 0.0456, 0.0389, 0.0324, 0.0261, 0.0203,
 0.015, 0.0105, 0.00664, 0.00346, 0.00148, 0.000297,

The produced particles will follow this pattern:



Not yet available in GATE.

Predefined energy spectrum for beta+#

There is some predefined energy spectrum of positron (e+):

source = sim.add_source('GenericSource, 'Default')
source.particle = 'e+' = 'F18'  # F18 or Ga68 or C11 ...

It means the positrons will be generated following the (approximated) energy spectrum of the F18 ion. Source code is GateSPSEneDistribution.cpp. Energy spectrum for beta+ emitters are available : F18, Ga68, Zr89, Na22, C11, N13, O15, Rb82. See One example is available in test031.

Confined source#

There is a confine option that allows to generate particles only if their starting position is within a given volume. See phantom_nema_iec_body in the contrib folder. Note that the source volume MUST be larger than the volume it is confined in. Also, note that no particle source will be generated in the daughters of the confine volume.

All options have a default values and can be printed with print(source).

This example confines a Xe133 source within a Trd volume (see Details: Volumes) named “leftLung”:

myConfSource = sim.add_source("GenericSource", "myConfSource")
myConfSource.attached_to = "leftLung"
myConfSource.particle = "ion 54 133"
myConfSource.position.type = "box"
myConfSource.position.size = sim.volume_manager.volumes[myConfSource.attached_to].bounding_box_size
myConfSource.position.confine = "leftLung"
myConfSource.direction.type = "iso"
myConfSource.activity = 1000 * Bq


class GenericSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

GenericSource close to the G4 SPS, but a bit simpler. The G4 source created by this class is GateGenericSource.

User input parameters and default values:

  • activity:

    • Default value: 0

    • Description: Activity of the source in Bq (exclusive with ‘n’)

  • attached_to:

    • Default value: world

    • Description: Name of the volume to which the source is attached.

  • direction:

    • Default value: {‘type’: ‘iso’, ‘theta’: [0, 3.141592653589793], ‘phi’: [0, 6.283185307179586], ‘momentum’: [0, 0, 1], ‘focus_point’: [0, 0, 0], ‘sigma’: [0, 0], ‘acceptance_angle’: {‘skip_policy’: ‘SkipEvents’, ‘volumes’: [], ‘intersection_flag’: False, ‘normal_flag’: False, ‘normal_vector’: [0, 0, 1], ‘normal_tolerance’: 0.05235987755982989}, ‘accolinearity_flag’: False, ‘accolinearity_fwhm’: 0.008726646259971648, ‘histogram_theta_weights’: [], ‘histogram_theta_angles’: [], ‘histogram_phi_weights’: [], ‘histogram_phi_angles’: []}

    • Description: Define the direction of the primary particles

  • direction_relative_to_attached_volume:

    • Default value: False

    • Description: Should we update the direction of the particle when the volume is moved (with dynamic parametrisation)?

  • end_time:

    • Default value: None

    • Description: End time of the source

  • energy:

    • Default value: {‘type’: ‘mono’, ‘mono’: 0, ‘sigma_gauss’: 0, ‘is_cdf’: False, ‘min_energy’: None, ‘max_energy’: None, ‘spectrum_type’: None, ‘spectrum_weights’: [], ‘spectrum_energies’: [], ‘spectrum_energy_bin_edges’: [], ‘spectrum_histogram_interpolation’: None}

    • Description: Define the energy of the primary particles

  • half_life:

    • Default value: -1

    • Description: Half-life decay (-1 if no decay). Only when used with ‘activity’

  • ion:

    • Default value: {‘Z’: 0, ‘A’: 0, ‘E’: 0}

    • Description: If the particle is an ion, you must set Z: Atomic Number, A: Atomic Mass (nn + np +nlambda), E: Excitation energy (i.e. for metastable)

  • mother:

    • Deprecated: The user input parameter ‘mother’ is deprecated. Use ‘attached_to’ instead.

  • n:

    • Default value: 0

    • Description: Number of particle to generate (exclusive with ‘activity’)

  • name (must be provided):

    • Default value: None

  • particle:

    • Default value: gamma

    • Description: Name of the particle generated by the source (gamma, e+ … or an ion such as ‘ion 9 18’)

  • position:

    • Default value: {‘type’: ‘point’, ‘radius’: 0, ‘sigma_x’: 0, ‘sigma_y’: 0, ‘size’: [0, 0, 0], ‘translation’: [0, 0, 0], ‘rotation’: array([[1., 0., 0.],, [0., 1., 0.],, [0., 0., 1.]]), ‘confine’: None}

    • Description: Define the position of the primary particles

  • start_time:

    • Default value: None

    • Description: Starting time of the source

  • tac_activities:

    • Default value: None

    • Description: TAC: Time Activity Curve, this set the vector for the activities. Must be used with tac_times.

  • tac_times:

    • Default value: None

    • Description: TAC: Time Activity Curve, this set the vector for the times. Must be used with tac_activities.

  • user_particle_life_time:

    • Default value: -1

    • Description: FIXME

  • weight:

    • Default value: -1

    • Description: Particle initial weight (for variance reduction technique)

  • weight_sigma:

    • Default value: -1

    • Description: if not negative, the weights of the particle are a Gaussian distribution with this sigma