
Phantom: IEC 6 spheres NEMA phantom#

An analytical model of the 6 spheres IEC NEMA phantom is provided. It can be used as follows:

import opengate as gate
import opengate.contrib.phantoms.nemaiec as gate_iec

sim = gate.Simulation()
iec_phantom = gate_iec.add_iec_phantom(sim, 'iec_phantom')
activities = [3 * BqmL, 4 * BqmL, 5 * BqmL, 6 * BqmL, 9 * BqmL, 12 * BqmL]
iec_source = gate_iec.add_spheres_sources(sim, 'iec_phantom', 'iec_source', 'all', activities)
iec_bg_source = gate_iec.add_background_source(sim, 'iec_phantom', 'iec_bg_source', 0.1 * BqmL)

The rotation should be adapted according to your need. The order of the 6 spheres can be changed with the parameter sphere_starting_angle of the add_iec_phantom command.


Examples can be found in test015 (and others).

Phantom: cylinder phantom for PET NECR#

An analytical model of the simple NECR phantom (cylinder and linear source) is provided. It can be used as follows:

import opengate as gate
import opengate.contrib.phantoms.necr as gate_necr

sim = gate.Simulation()
necr_phantom = gate_necr.add_necr_phantom(sim, 'necr_phantom')
necr_source = gate_necr.add_necr_source(sim, 'necr_phantom')
necr_source.activity = 1000 * Bq

Example can be found in test049 (and others).