Notes for developers#

Pybind11 hints#

Below are a list of hints (compared to boost-python).

Memory management between Python and Geant4 - Why is there a segmentation fault?#

Code and memory (objects) can be on the python and/or C++(Geant4)-side. To avoid memory leakage, the G4 objects need to be deleted at some point, either by the C++-side, meaning G4, or by the garbage collector on the python-side. This requires some understanding of how lifetime is managed in G4. GATE 10 uses the G4RunManager to initialize, run, and deconstruct a simulation. The G4RunManager’s destructor triggers a nested sequence of calls to the destructors of many objects the run manager handles, e.g. geometry and physics. These objects, if they are created on the python-side, e.g. because the Construct() method is implemented in python, should never be deleted on the python-side because the G4RunManager is responsible for deletion and segfaults occur if the objects exist now longer at the time of supposed destruction. In this case, the no py::nodelete option in pybind11 is the correct way.

There is also the python-side concerning objects which are deleted by the G4RunManager: If python stores a reference to the object, and it generally should (see below), this reference will not find the object anymore once the G4RunManager has been deleted. Therefore, we have implemented a mechanism which makes sure that references to G4 objects are unset before the G4RunManager is garbage collected (and thus its destructor is called). This is done via the close() and release_g4_references() methods combined with a with SimulationEngine as se context clause.

The situation is somewhat different for objects that are not automatically deleted by the Geant4 session. This concerns objects which a G4 user would manually destruct and delete. The “user”, from a G4 perspective, is the python-side of GATE, specifically the SimulationEngine, which creates and controls the G4RunManager. The objects in question should be destroyed on the python side, and in fact they (normally) are via garbage collection. To this end, they should not be bound with the py::nodelete option - which would prevent garbage collection.

In any case, G4 objects created on the python-side should not be destroyed (garbage collected) too early, i.e. not before the end of the G4 simulation, to avoid segfaults when G4 tries to a find the object to which it holds a pointer. It is important to note here that garbage collection in python is strongly tied to reference counting, meaning, objects may be garbage collected as soon as there are no more references pointing to them. Or in other words: you can prevent garbage collection by keeping a reference. In practice: If you create a G4 object that is required to persist for the duration of the simulation and you create this object in a local scope, e.g. in a function, you need to make sure to store a reference somewhere so that it lives beyond the local scope. Otherwise, when the function goes out of scope, the local reference no longer exists and the G4 object may be garbage collected. This is the reason why GATE 10 stores references to G4 objects in class attributes, either as plane reference, or via lists or dictionaries. A nasty detail: in case of a G4 object that is only referenced locally (implementation error), the moment when the segfault occurs might vary because garbage collection in python is typically scheduled (for performance reasons), meaning objects are collected any time after their last reference is released, but not necessarily at that moment. This can cause a seeming randomness in the segfaults.

So, after a long explanation, the key points are:

  • check the nature of your G4 object. if it is designed to be deleted by the G4RunManager, add the py::no_delete option in the pybind11 binding.

  • In any case, make sure to store a non-local persistent reference on the python-side, ideally as a class attribute.

  • Add a “release statement” in the release_g4_references() method for each G4 reference (strictly only to RunManager-handled objects, but it does not hurt for others) in the class, and make sure the release_g4_references() method is called by the class’s close() method.

An example may be the implementation of the Tesselated Volume (STL).

Pybindings in pyG4TriangularFacet.cpp:

py::class_<G4TriangularFacet, G4VFacet>(m, "G4TriangularFacet")

will cause a segmentation fault

py::class_<G4TriangularFacet,  G4VFacet, std::unique_ptr<G4TriangularFacet, py::nodelete>>(m, "G4TriangularFacet")

will work as python is instructed not to delete the object.

On the python-side in geometry/

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.g4_solid = None
    self.g4_tessellated_solid = None
    self.g4_facets = None

All data which is sent to Geant4 is included as a variable to the class. As such, it is only deleted at the end of the simulation, not when the function ends. Which, would cause a segmentation fault.


  • The following issue occured in the past and was solved by updating ITK: was failing because of a TypeError raised by ITK. Specifically: TypeError: in method 'itkImageIOFactory_CreateImageIO', argument 1 of type 'char const *' After updating ITK (via pip) from 5.2.1.post1 to 5.3.0, the error is gone. If you get a similar error, try updating ITK first, by pip install itk --upgrade

  • Here is another ITK-related issue that has occured in the past: The following exception was raised while trying to run module 'itk' has no attribute 'ChangeInformationImageFilter'. This kind of issue is also documented in ITK’s issue tracker:


    1. Uninstall ITK

    2. Manually remove all traces of ITK from your python environment

    3. re-install ITK

    For me, this was: pip uninstall itk   rm -r /Users/nkrah/.virtualenvs/opengate/lib/python3.9/site-packages/itk*   pip install --upgrade --pre itk

Geant4 seems to be frozen/sleeping - the GIL is to blame - here is why#

This is taken from Issue #145 which is now closed.

So here is what happened to me: While working on a branch, I implemented an alternative binding of the G4MTRunManager. The binding includes the function G4MTRunManager::Initialize(). The naïve implementation is:

.def("Initialize", &G4MTRunManager::Initialize)

When I tried to run a test with threads>1, Geant4 simply stopped at some point, namely when geometry and physics list were apparently set up. No error, no segfault, no further output, no CPU load, just frozen. Umpf. After a scattering cout’s through the Geant4 source could, I understood the problem, and why others, like David S, had used a smarter, less naïve binding of the Initialize() function.

Here is what went wrong: G4MTRunManager::Initialize() function first calls the single thread G4RunManager::Initialize() and then does a fake run by calling BeamOn(0); The argument n–event=zero is internally interpreted as fake run and not all steps are performed as would be in a real BeamOn(). The purpose of the fake run is to set-up the worker run managers. BeamOn(0) does trigger G4RunManager::DoEventLoop() and this in turn triggers G4MTRunManager::InitializeEventLoop (the overridden version from the inherited G4MTRunManager!). At the very end, after creating and starting workers, there is a WaitForReadyWorkers(); This function contains beginOfEventLoopBarrier.Wait(GetNumberActiveThreads()); which essentially waits until all workers release locks. Specifically, it triggers a call to G4MTBarrier::Wait() which contains a while(true) loop to repeatedly check the number of locks on the shared resource, and breaks the loop when the number of locks equals the number of threads.

Now, admittedly, I do not understand every detail here, but it is clear that Geant4’s implementation relies on locks to establish whether workers are ready. So when my simulation_engine (i.e., Gate internally) called g4_RunManager.Initialize(), it ended up stuck in the while loop waiting for the locks to decrease, which never happened. Why?

This is where the so-called Global Interpreter Lock comes into play. Read this to understand the details:, or don’t if you are smarter than I am. Essentially, at least in the CPython implementation, there is a lock (mutex) on all resources linked to the python interpreter. Historically, the GIL was a pragmatic choice to easily integrate C-extensions into python even if they were not thread-safe. What does that have to do with Gate? Well, many objects such as physics lists, are created in python, and then communicated to the Geant4 RunManager (e.g. via SetUserInitializaition). There is thus a lock on these resources, namely the GIL. The multithread mechanism in Geant4, on the other hand, does not know about the GIL and thus cannot account for this additional lock, so the lock counter never decreases sufficiently to satisfy Geant4. A way to resolve this dilemma, without hacking around in the Geant4 code, is to instruct pybind to release the Global Interpreter Lock within the scope of the call to a C++ function, such as Initialize(). One way to achieve this is to replace the naïve

.def("Initialize", &G4MTRunManager::Initialize)


     [](G4MTRunManager *mt) {
       py::gil_scoped_release release;

The key here is the “py::gil_scoped_release release” statement. It instructs pybind to release the GIL before calling the function Initialize(). There is actually a useful passage in pybind’s doc:

I think, in the case of Gate/Geant4, it is safe to release the GIL because we know that Geant4 handles shared resources in a thread-safe way. Quite the contrary: the GIL actually breaks G4’s mechanism.

So what I learned from this: Any Geant4 function which relies on Geant4’s MT mechanism based on locks needs to be bound to python with a “py::gil_scoped_release release” statement as above. The serial version G4RunManager::Initialize() does not need this statement (and should not have it) because it does not check locks at any point.