Architecture: Managers and Engines#

GATE 10 has two distinct kinds of classes which handle a simulation. Managers provide an interface to the user to set-up and configure a simulation and collect and organize user parameters in a structured way. Engines provide the interface with Geant4 and are responsible for creating all Geant4 objects. Managers and engines are divided in sub-managers and sub-engines responsible for certain logical parts of a simulation. Additionally, many objects in GATE are now implemented as classes which provide interfaces to the managers and engines.

The Simulation class is the main manager with which the user interacts. It collects general parameters, e.g. about verbosity and visualization and it manages the way the simulation is run (in a subprocess or not). Sub-managers are: VolumeManager, PhysicsManager , ActorManager, SourceManager. These managers can be thought of as bookkeepers. For example, the VolumeManager keeps a dictionary with all the volumes added to a simulation, a dictionary with all the parallel world volumes, etc. But it also provides the user with methods to perform certain tasks, e.g. VolumeManager.add_parallel_world().

The SimulationEngine is the main driver of the Geant4 simulation: every time the user calls, the Simulation object (here assumed to be called sim) creates a new SimulationEngine which in turn creates all the sub-engines: VolumeEngine, PhysicsEngine, SourceEngine, ActorEngine, ActionEngine. The method SimulationEngine.run_engine() actually triggers the construction and run of the Geant4 simulation. It takes the role of the in a pure Geant4 simulation. When the Geant4 simulation has terminated, SimulationEngine.run_engine() returns the simulation output which is then collect by the Simulation object and remains accessible via sim.output.

It is important to understand that the engines only exist while the GATE/Geant4 simulation is running, while the managers exist during the entire duration of the python interpreter session in which the user is setting up the simulation.

The managers and engines are explained in more detail below.

References among managers and engines#

Managers and engines frequently need to access attributes of other managers and engines. They therefore need references to each other. In GATE, these references follow a hierarchical pattern:

  • Sub-managers keep a references to the Simulation (the main manager). Sub-sub-managers keep references to the sub-manager above them. For example: PhysicsManager.simulation refers to the Simulation object which created it, and PhysicsListManager.physics_manager refers to the PhysicsManager which created it.

  • Objects created through a manager keep a reference to the creating manager. For example: all volumes have an attribute volume_manager.

  • In a similar fashion, sub-engines keep a references to the SimulationEngine from which they originate.

  • The SimulationEngine itself keeps a reference to the Simulation which created it.

This hierarchical network of references allows reaching objects from any other object. For example: a Region object is managed by the PhysicsManager, so from a region, a volume can be reached via:

my_volume = region.physics_manager.simulation.volume_manager.get_volume('my_volume')

Geant4 bindings#

This repository contains C++ source code that maps some (not all!) Geant4 classes into one single Python module. It also contains additional C++ classes that extends Geant4 functionalities (also mapped to Python). At the end of the compilation process a single Python module is available, named opengate_core and is ready to use from the Python side.

The source files are divided into two folders: g4_bindings and opengate_lib. The first contains pure Geant4 Python bindings allow to expose in Python a (small) part of Geant4 classes and functions. The bindings are done with the pybind11 library. The second folder contains specific opengate functionalities.

How to add a Geant4 bindings ?#

If you want to expose another Geant4 class (or functions), you need to:

  • Create a pyG4MyClass.cpp

  • With a function init_G4MyClass (see example in the g4_bindings folder)

  • In this function, indicate all functions/members that you want to expose.

  • Declare and call this init function in the opengate_core.cpp file.

Philosophy behind objects implemented as GateObject#

Generally, the idea is to encapsulate functionality into classes rather than spreading out the code across managers and engines. The advantage is that the code structure remains less cluttered. Good examples are the Region class and, although more complex, the volume classes. In the following, we explain the rationale and design concept. For instructions on how to implement or extend a class, see here.

The GATE classes representing and a Geant4 object (or multiple Geant4 objects combined) are meant to do multiple things: 1) Be a storage for user parameters. Exmample: the Region class holds the user_info user_limits, production_cuts, and em_switches. 2) Provide interface functions to manager classes (and the user) to configure the object or inquire about it. Examples: Region.associate_volume(), Region.need_step_limiter() 3) Provide interface functions such as initialize() and close() to the engines to handle the Geant4 objects. 4) Provide convenience functionality such as dumping as dictionary (to_dictionary(), from_dictionary()), dump info about the object (e.g. Region.dump_production_cuts()), clone itself. 5) Handle technical aspects such as pickling (for subprocesses) in a unified way (via the method ``__getstate__()` <#implement-a-getstate-method-if-needed>`__)

The managers and engines, on the other hand, remain quite sleek and clean. For example, if you look at the PhysicsEngine class, you find the method

def initialize_regions(self):
    for region in self.physics_manager.regions.values():

which really just iterates over the regions and initializes them.

The advantage of this becomes evident especially if there are multiple variants of a class (via inheritance), such as for volumes. In this case, the VolumeEngine does not care about the specific type of volume because it always calls the same interface. For example, VolumeEngine.Construct() (which is triggered by the G4RunManager, not GATE) iterates over the volumes and calls volume.construct(). The volume object then takes care of taking the correct actions. If the code inside each volume’s construct() method were implemented inside VolumeEngine.Construct(), it would be cluttered with if statements to pick what should be done.

For now, only a part of GATE implements objects based on the GateObject base class. Actors and Sources still need to be refactored.

How a class in GATE 10 is (usually) set up?#

Naming convention#

  • Use small letters and underscores for python variables. Do not use capital letters and camelcase.

  • Use capital letters and camel case for overloaded C++ variables if the class inherits from a base class implemented in C++.

  • All attributes pointing to Geant4 objects should have a “g4_” prepended for easy identification. Example: self.g4_logical_volume.

  • Group the g4_*** definitions in one block for better visual reference.

__init__() method#

  • Define all attributes of the object in the __init__() method even if their value is set only later/elsewhere.

  • If no value is set in __init__(), do:

    self.my_attribute = None
  • By defining all attributes in the __init__() method, other developers can easily inspect the class without reading through the entire class. Think of it as a C++ header file.

  • If your class inherits from another class, and in particular from GateObject or DynamicGateObject, include wild card arguments and keyword arguments in your __init__() method:

    def __init__(self, your_specific_arguments, *args, your_specific_kwargs, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # ... YOUR CODE...

User info: handling parameters set by the user#

If your class handles user input, let it inherit from GateObject, or DynamicGateObject if applicable. Define and configure user input via the user_info_defaults class attribute. See section XXX.

Important: User input defined and configured in the user_info_defaults dictionary should generally not be handled manually in your __init__() method. They are passed on to the superclass inside the kwargs dictionary. See section XXX for more detail.

Initialization of Geant4 objects#

Implement an initialize() method if Geant4 objects need to be created by the SimulationEngine (or a sub-engine) when the simulation is launched. The initialize() method should not take any arguments, but only rely on object attributes ( which were previously set.

Exception: G4RunManager has an initializatin sequence which GATE relies on. In certain classes, the g4_XXX componentes are initialized as part of this sequence on the C++ side. Example: All volumes implement a construct() method which is called when the G4RunManager calls the overloaded Construct() method of the VolumeEngine.

Implement a close() method if needed#

Explanation: If your class has attributes that point to Geant4 objects which are deleted by the G4RunManager at the end of a simulation, your class must get rid of these references when the SimulationEngine closes down. This is achieved by a hierarchy of calls to a close() method, starting from SimulationEngine.close(). In your close() method, set all attributes pointing to Geant4 objects which the G4RunManafger will delete to None. If your class manages a list of other objects which themselves need to call their close() method, add a loop to your close() method and close down the list members. If you inherit from another class, do not forget to call the close() method from the superclass via super().close(). Take a look at VolumeManager.close() and the volumes classes or PhysicsManager.close() and the Region class for examples.

Implement a __getstate__() method if needed.#

Explanation: When a GATE simulation is run in a subprocess, all objects need to be serialized so they can be sent to the subprocess, where they are deserialized. The serialization is currently handled by the pickle module. If your class contains attributes which refer to objects which cannot be pickled, the serialization will fail. This typically concerns Geant4 objects. To make your class pickleable, you should implement a __getstate__() method. This is essentially a hook called within the serialization pipeline which returns a representation of your object (usually a dictionary). You should remove items which cannot be pickled from this dictionary.

Example: Assume your class has an attribute self.g4_funny_object referring to a Geant4 object. Your __getstate__() method should do something like this:

def __getstate__(self):
    return_dict = self.__dict__
    return_dict['g4_funny_object'] = None
    return return_dict

If your class inherits from another one, e.g. from GateObject, you should call the __getstate__() method from the superclass:

def __getstate__(self):
    return_dict = super().__getstate__()
    return_dict['g4_funny_object'] = None
    return return_dict

Important: The __getstate__() method should not change your object, but only modify the dictionary to be returned. Therefore, avoid self.g4_funny_object = None as this also alters your object.

Important: Do not use the close() method in your __getstate__() method. The close() method is part of another mechanism and these mechanisms should not be entangled. And: the close() method would alter your object and not only the returned dictionary representation.

Optional: Implement a __str__() method#

You might consider implementing a __str__() method which, by construction, is required to return a string. If implemented, this method is called when the user places your object inside a print() statement: print(my_object). You could implement the __str__() method to provide useful information about your object. If your object inherits from another class, call the superclass:

def __str__(self):
    s = super().__str__()
    s += "*** Additional info: ***\n"
    s += f"The object as an attribute 'xyz' of value {}.\n"
    return s

In particular, the GateObject superclass (and variants) implement a __str__() method which lists all user_info of the object.